Sunday, October 23, 2011

Next Year

I think next year i want to defer from textile design... hopefully! I feel physically and mentally exhausted from 14 years of learning in a classroom environment. I want to get out of a room and learn anything and everything. I can't wait to go travelling and be able to not think about due dates and do some of my own design that has meaning rather than a design brief for a score of students. Going to Brighton Bay was definitely my best option this year. At first i was hesitant but now i am certain it was best. Even though i feel like i have no inspiration left i have so much to show for it. I have learn so many new skills and techniques and made new friends.
Being in a classroom of people who actually want to be there has really given me a new perspective on education. for all of high school i had classmates just not wanting to be in design classes and they only chose them because they were a 'bludge.' this really annoyed me that they weren't thinking of what they were interested in but rather how they could spend the least time learning. There were points that i hated learning as well because i felt it was unnecessary but this was always overcome by the thought of i have to be here, i should make the most of it!
Next year i want to learn with other people who want to learn, i want to design for the fun of it and try and create something of worth and beauty. I want to work to save to go overseas. I want to enjoy the environment around me and to create more of a community vibe with the people around me!

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