Friday, June 24, 2011

Letter Writing

I want you all to write a letter to someone who you are friends with; don’t make it something you have to do rather something you want to do. Tell them something that you would like to talk about via letters, something you both enjoy something that is between you and them.

I feel it is a process that I was never brought up with that I have rediscovered for myself. I’ve rarely been written a letter and since this year can’t think of when I have sent one. I have always seen English as a subject which I have to do, a subject where I already know the language fluently, why bother practising it when I can be painting or doing something I could be improving on.

There are many ways to make your letter unique and to let the person you are sending it to feel it hasn’t just been typed up and put in a generic envelope. Maybe use a typewriter and enjoy the more hands on process that goes with physically typing out a piece of writing. You may also like to make your own envelope or seal it with a wax stamp with your initials pressed in.

Just start writing to the people around you and start enjoying sending and receiving letters. You will learn about the people around you and start to express yourself in a new found way.

Good Luck:)

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