Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Andy Warhol

Since starting printmaking at Brighton Bay College i am starting to love it. Of course at the moment we are doing brief that are quite guided so we can learn some essential skills but i can't wait to do my first portrait in which ever style i favour.

In this print by Andy Warhol of John Lennon i think there is 4 colours, yellow, blue, magenta and pink. These 4 colours seem to wor
k together and really complete the print.

Personally i like to work in bright colours to really intrigue and make
the viewer happy. In the image below Warhol's i have inserted my
oil painting of my sister which i
painted last year on an old glass window. I made it into a 6 colour vector and painted it with only the three primary and three secondary colours with some blending of the colours. I hope to be able to do this but by using screen printing or maybe a multi layered lino print. I may have to use less colours but if i were to overlap three layers(Primary colours) slightly i may be able to achieve 6 colours.

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