Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Finders Keepers

Even though i worked at The Finders Keepers Festival in the Taco Truck(also run by Raph Rashid,) I had a quick walk around just in the vacinity of the truck and the layout of the floor plan was very inviting.

The floor plan outside the food stalls was set up very informally with many wooden crates stacked at different heights with little paper pyramids on the crates. The majority of the crates were at sitting height and it set up a great environment for the patrons to discuss the work while eating some great food and listening to the stage music. This simple idea really set up the festival and gave it a completely different vibe compared to if it was tables and chairs.

This much thought needs to go into more festivals and day long events, especially because this was a very cheap option but one of the best i've seen. Festivals are all about atmosphere and having people leave with a smile on there face. This is exactly what they achieved. Kudos.

Andy Warhol

Since starting printmaking at Brighton Bay College i am starting to love it. Of course at the moment we are doing brief that are quite guided so we can learn some essential skills but i can't wait to do my first portrait in which ever style i favour.

In this print by Andy Warhol of John Lennon i think there is 4 colours, yellow, blue, magenta and pink. These 4 colours seem to wor
k together and really complete the print.

Personally i like to work in bright colours to really intrigue and make
the viewer happy. In the image below Warhol's i have inserted my
oil painting of my sister which i
painted last year on an old glass window. I made it into a 6 colour vector and painted it with only the three primary and three secondary colours with some blending of the colours. I hope to be able to do this but by using screen printing or maybe a multi layered lino print. I may have to use less colours but if i were to overlap three layers(Primary colours) slightly i may be able to achieve 6 colours.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daryl Feril

In my eyes this design by Daryl Feril is amazing. I love portraiture and this is no exception. The lines that make up this face are located to perfection. There are different thicknesses and different shades. I like these designs done on the computer because there is a lot of skill behind this rather than just clicking a filter on Photoshop.
I think he would have gone through many colours for the background but settled on yellow, he may have been fond of this because of the general aesthetics or maybe because it symbolised something to do with the subject.
I don't like the way his head seems to be floating especially to the left of the work. I think white needed to be added to the shoulders and/or the neck region.

He has captured this man as someone who is in deep thought and is quite content with his surroundings, he seems so peaceful and happy even though he has no distinct expression. Also the sharp lines make it look like he has been through a lot in his life and even though they aren't likely to be scars it gives you the impression that the contours are sharp and permanent.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Golden Plains

On the weekend i went to Golden Plains festival which is in Meredith (Victoria.) Even though i went there to work (Beatbox Kitchen) I still saw a lot to do with design and had many ideas about the way a festival is run. The culture at Golden Plains compared to Falls Festival is completely different. Falls in my eyes have it all wrong, they have the wrong attitude towards running a successful festival, of course there is a need for OH&S and control over punters but there needs to be culture about the event. Golden plains allows couches, has better food and has less people. These three things in my mind sets it so far apart from Falls. At Falls people are doing hard drugs getting angry and the vibe is quite negative, not saying people at golden plains arent on drugs but they are so much happier and the culture around the event makes the 2 night stay so much more enjoyable. Basically Falls works on the basis of profit and profit only, Golden Plains which is a sister festival to Meredith started out as a couple of mates who invited 40 of their friends to have a weekend away.
Also the design of the falls poster explains perfectly what they are all about, there is sun, hills, plants and two people hugging. Compared to The Falls logo (2009 example) which is more sharp edge and dark negative colours.

Beci Orpin

The first work of Beci Orpin I saw was the beatbox kitchen. I see the truck every time i go to work. The vector design which was most likely designed on illustrator is based on a boombox. The design of the mobile kitchen sets it apart from other kitchens because so much thought has gone into it. Most vans are solely about the food, this kitchen is about the amazing food quality, the vibe/ culture and the design of the truck. It is so appealing for a food truck compared to all the souvlaki vans which have been designed by someone with no qualifications or idea about design.

Some of her other graphic design work that i have now looked at after talking to her about the beatbox kitchen has really inspired me to study graphic design. I think it is a smart path for me to choose because i love to use illustrator and i enjoy the satisfaction i get from completing a design from a brief for a company or individual. Here in her seven seeds logo the sharpness of the design which i'm assuming was completed on illustrator gives it a nice finished look but the colours she has chosen makes it look a little down to earth. Also all 5 designs in the image complement each other without taking away from the overall impact.

In this design for simple energy these basic posters are very affective not only because of the hilarity which is ensued but because of the simple colours and vector images. Also the colour which is apart of the logo is used again on the characters to make harmonious.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This year i am entering the Archibald, i have been looking at previous entrants and winners to gauge an idea of what is loved and what is hated. Last year Craig Ruddy won the Peoples Choice award with his painting of Warick Thornton.
I absolutely love this work, he has captured the colours of what i associate with aboriginals, very earthy and radiant. I feel his left eye has been painted slightly wrong, his right eye captures your eye and draws you in where as his left eye the detail is a bit blurred because of the light. I feel the iris should have been darker even if the photo he took showed it as very light. I think portraits should predominantly have there focal point on the eyes because when in looking and talking to someone that is where ones eyes are drawn to. So much emotion is able to be seen in another person eyes and all the muscles around them.