Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Georges Antoni

Georges Antoni really inspired me at AGIdeas this year. His story how he accidently became a photographer amazed me. After talking about how he pretended to be his friend while his friend was away. He had bought a camera and done a mock photo shoot of his girlfriend as a joke. His girlfriend was a model overseas and was picking up the photos before she went to a fashion magazine office. She had the photos with her when a lady at the agency noticed and instantly hired him. At the end of this he said it's all about confidence. I strongly believe this. If you act confident people will believe you and even when you get caught out they will most likely be positive about your confidence and keep you on.
His work is also quite amazing, the lighting and the colours are phenomonal. Photography is going to be in my top three preferences and i think if i get into the industry it will be doing fashion photography or possibly documentry photography.
I feel fashion photography would be my main choice because i love portraiture and quite interested in fashion mainly due to my sister having studied fashion.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

La Mama - The Great Journey

For my sisters 23rd birthday my family and I went to see a Commedia dell'arte play called 'The Great Journey.' Having never been witness to a play in this style i was very excited on the way to La Mama theatre on Drummond St Carlton. I have only briefly studied Commedia dell'arte in year 4 Italian so i did not know what to expect other than it being physical and loud. Right from the start it was loud and in your face, the only thing was i could barely understand the main man speaking and i was very worried it would go on like this and i wouldn't enjoy it. Luckily as the play went on they spoke clearer and slowed down a touch.

One scene involved the three men grabbing one man each from the crowd, they then made them where there masks and hold certain props and even sing. Surprisingly the play flowed and the things the participants were made to do were simple but effective. It lasted for about ten minutes before they were seamlessly ushered back to there seats.

There was a little bit of improvisation of which i loved. A couple who were kissing were caught by the three actors and it was soon involved into the play. They seemed shocked that the couple were kissing in the front row and one of them walked very close to them and announced to the audience what he'd seen. They then started talking about the royal wedding which fitted in with there british disguise. It was easily the funniest part of the play and everyone seemed to love the off the bat form of comedy.

One disappointment was the man and woman behind us who laughed obnoxiously loud, at inappropriate times and ruined the play for the whole audience, it was as if they were employed by La Mama to get everyone to laugh. I also think the play could have been a little more refined and maybe if they had an english speaking italian to rework the script!

Overall my first experience of Commedia dell'arte was quite wonderful and i can't wait to see more in that style.